Location Map


I-45 north approximately 25 miles north of Houston, exit Louetta west, go approximately 5 miles to T.C. Jester and turn right. This is the entrance to Spring Creek Oaks.

OUR Location


Spring Creek Oaks Map


The primary mission of the Association is to establish a uniform plan for the development, improvement and sale of such property, and to insure the preservation of such uniform plan for the benefit of both the present and future Owners of Lots located in said property.

Our Website

The goal for our web site is to be the “one, central on-line source” for information pertaining to the Spring Creek Oaks Community Improvement Association, community news and events, important area listings, and to provide visibility to SCO for those who may be relocating to the greater Houston area.


Every owner of a Lot in the Subdivision which is subject to a maintenance charge assessment by the Association, including contract sellers, shall be a Member of the Association. Membership shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownership of the Lots which are subject to assessment by the Association. Ownership of such Lots shall be the sole qualification for membership.