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Amenities Reservations
BASEBALL FIELDS: 4 fields (1-4) and tennis court field
CLUBHOUSES: 2 clubhouses ( CH1(small), CH2 (big))
POOLS: 2 pools (Misty Creek and CH2)
SOCCER FIELDS: 2 large, 2 small
TENNIS: 3 sets of courts (Misty Creek, CH2 and Kuehnle courts)
Reservation Contacts
Tennis/Amy Schlottman: courtscheduler@springcreekoaks.org
Baseball/Daniel Anderson: baseball@springcreekoaks.org
Clubhouses/Judy Harr: clubhouses@springcreekoaks.org
Pools/Laurie Alter: pools@springcreekoaks.org
Soccer/Edwin Fuentes: soccer@springcreekoaks.org
Baseball Fields
Field 3 – Titans Flag Football practice
Baseball Field 3Field 3 Titans Flag Football practice Contact: Drew Wadley - 214-505-2549; wwadley@gmail.com
5U – Yard Goats Baseball Practice
Baseball Field 4Field 4 - 5U Yard Goats Baseball Practice Coach: Jovan Segura; 956-878-8266
Field 1 – River Cats / 7U
Baseball Field 1Field 1 - River Cats / 7U Coach: Tate Allison 432-559-0168 Tate.Allison@gmail.com